
Healing Pathway

Steps towards awakening for men-who-love-men.

From a tantra perspective, the body is the temple, our divine tool through which to take the steps towards awakening. We start with the senses, connecting to who we truly are in the gross body, progressing to the energetic (subtle) body, we bring ourselves inwards rather than seeking validation and gratification externally. From here we can move to the beyond (the causal body / karmic sheaf).

Below are three key steps to better connect to your body, (Step 1) experience body positive mindful coaching, which turns pleasure into a source of joy rather than being attached to shame or guilt, (Step 2) through deeper coaching, you can connect to and start to free yourself from your individual themes and embodied issues through connecting to the energetic body, (Step 3) undertake a coaching programme designed specifically to connect to the energetic body to release stored trauma as part of the spiritual cleansing process.

Step 1 - Mindful/Embodied Coaching Programme (Online or In-Person).

As a qualified coach and Master Mindfulness Practitioner, I offer this programme of 3 x 1-hour sessions. In these sessions the client will become developmentally more mindful and conscious of their body sensations. It is likely they will incorporate breathwork, touch, ritual undressing, massage, meditation and aspects of kundalini yoga as a means to bring a mindful conscious approach to your body. Mindful embodied coaching is good for clients who are mind orientated or disconnected from their body and are looking to develop a more conscious approach to their life and journey.

“I had never experienced such ecstasy before, and now I can’t wait for each session to feel it again.” Iain.

Contact me to book a Mindful/Embodied Coaching Programme.

Step 2 - Embodied Themed/Issue Coaching Programme (Online or In-Person)

“(Pink's) coaching was enlightening and extremely practical in supporting me with my issue.”  C.C.

This is a programme of 3 x 1-hour 30-minute sessions (ie, 90 minutes), focussed specifically around the issue or theme you, the client, bring. These sessions therefore will be co-created to support you to unlock barriers in the body. It is likely they will incorporate breathwork and bodywork, mantras and active meditation. There may be elements of touch, depending on the clients’ needs. This programme is aimed at clients with a specific theme or issue in mind. This is not about fixing something. You are not broken. It is a form of exploration and enquiry for acceptance at the energetic/subtle level.

Contact me to book an Embodied Themed/Issue Coaching Programme.

Step 3 - Trauma Release Coaching (Online or In-Person)

Trauma release coaching is good for clients who are mind orientated, disconnected from their body, and are looking to release generic trauma held in the body. This is an integral part of the spiritual cleaning process. This is NOT talking therapy/coaching. This is a 6 x 1-hour session programme based on my qualification and experience as a trauma informed coach. The sessions will incorporate breathwork and posture to activate and recalibrate the vagus nerve to create your safe space, somatic mindfulness, shaking and erratic movement to disrupt the energy flow in your body, stretching and tapping to further activate the vagus nerve, visualisation and meditation and periods of stillness and silence to allow for energy and trauma release.

*It should be noted, Trauma Release Coaching can at times bring up past memories and emotions.

“Great session once again, delivered by a professional.” Graham.

Although this is trauma-informed coaching, it is not therapy, but it can allow you to better integrate aspects you might up to now have come to understand only intellectually through talking therapies. This is suitable for people who are feeling stuck with some personal issue, who currently lack focus or are feeling indecisive, or for people who simply want to take a more mindful and embodied approach to their healing.

“I was surprised how having someone who kept returning me to my priorities demonstrated how caught up I was in negating what was essential to me ... AND to look after myself. I have become that much clearer and focused.”  Sugden.

Contact me to book a Trauma Release Coaching Programme.

Press Here for Programme and Session Pricing List.

Getting to Kilsyth - A 20-minute drive by car from Glasgow, and if travelling by bus it is 50 minutes from Buchanan Bus Station. From Stirling it is a 25-minute drive (there is no direct bus route).

Please read Pink Tantra's Ethical Statement