Pink Tantra's Journey Towards Awakening

Steps towards healing and awakening for men-who-love-men.

In Pink Tantra Towards Awakening we find a spiritual path through our sexual/life energy. It is gentler than Red, more playful. For while Red is highly sexual in nature and so alluring, it can come across as a form of gratification that keeps us locked in our neurosis. White, meanwhile, can get fixated on transcendence and disconnected from reality. Pink is a Heart Centred path.

Pink's Journey

I came across Tantra in 2018 in the form of Neo-Tantra through T4GM . I had just come out of a long-term relationship and was looking for something new and exciting, and if truth be told, as a distraction. What initially drew me in was the sexual aspect, but underneath there was also a yearning for something more, a form of self-development, personal growth, or a way to find out more about the truth of me.

I’ve always had this pull to the ‘spiritual’ and yet an aversion to any form of organised religion and sectarianism. It has taken me a long time to recognise the separation between the two. And yet my first direct experience of something bigger than what I could perceive was as a child; in a barrel with a friend doing ‘naughty’ stuff. The sense of connection was surreal afterwards, and due to the dysfunction I was living with at the time, and the guilt that came from this, there was no one to confide this experience in: certainly no one I would have felt safe with. I put it aside as an aberration.

The next conscious moment for me was at Art College. I was heavily influenced by Colin Wilson’s Outsider and so my ‘peak experience’ seemed only natural. But at the time there was a real anti-spiritual, anti-metaphysical strain in the art world. So, again, I suppressed the moment and focussed instead on the formal aspects of my abstractions.

But in 2018, I came to realised that the sexual was in-fact a large part of the journey, and that I could let go of the stories I had created around sex and spirituality; the guilt, the shame (and possibly as a consequence, my sexual compulsion), the anger, the suspicion, the fear.

Tantra has introduced me to a more considered and reflective, relaxed and yet expressive sexual stance, that has fed into my self-confidence, self-worth and self-expression. I no longer feel the need to justify (or intellectualise) that something which I am an interconnected part of; something I can access via sex and spirit. I can have it all. And why shouldn’t I? Isn’t that the journey towards awakening; to have it all, to transcend it, to bring that something back to heal or lives, or at least to find out where it takes us.

Lineage and Experience

Connecting to something bigger, consciousness that transcends the individual me, my vital energy, the divine me and oneness, have enabled me to access and experience things that go well beyond anything I could have imagined prior to coming into contact with tantra; ecstasy, orgasm, bliss. Immersion is key for me. The Tantra Diploma and Teacher Training programmes through T4GM was instrumental, as was the Diploma in (Classical) Tantra, connecting as it does to works of Christopher Wallis, Adyashanti, and Rupert Spira. This combination enables me to connect knowledge and experience.

The Naked Practice sessions I ran on the T4GM Tantra Love Academy App helped bring these aspects together. This, I feel, really offered me a grounding that is helping a deeper shift in my mindset and practices. Practices I had taken from Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Lama Yeshe, OSHO, and Daniel Odier. Odier’s approach is very different to someone like Christopher Wallis, but they both descend from the Shaiva Tantra tradition, crystalised by Abhinavagupta, which I now recognize to be very much related to the left-handed stream (the Kaula Lineages) where we are all innately divine, able to attain liberation in our lifetime, and is transgressive. Although, for some, the left-handed stream in classical tantra, the Kaula Lineage, is seen as a form of Red Tantra, considered impure, focussing as it does on sexual pleasure.

Indeed, it is interesting to note that tantra is similar to Advaita Vedanta, in that it is a union of two aspects: awareness and energy. Awareness is generally symbolised by the colour white (of semen and Shiva) and energy by the colour red (action and Shakti) resulting in Ananda (Joy, often these days referred to as Bliss). This union is, partly, where Pink Tantra derives from; a Heart Centred practice.

As part of my tantric practices kundalini energy has played a key role. This further developed through my Kundalini Diploma and the practices I undertook through the Kundalini Yoga School. However, it was the Kundalini Tantra Yoga teacher training, through the Mukta Tantra Yoga School in India descended through the Agama lineage, that crystalised my Yoga practices, which in turn has led to a focus on Classical Tantra in the form of Trika Tantra, Kashmiri Shaivism, through the teachings of Gurutva Amitabh Sharaha of Shiva Shakti Vigyan (who’s teacher received his Gurutva blessing direct from Swami Lakshmanjoo).

Kashmiri Shaivism forms the basis of my practice now, and it is this practice, flavoured by my interest in trauma release work, that has now become the focus for my own awakening. But irrespective of whether I take a Tantric stance based on Kashmiri Shaivism, or Kundalini Tantra Yoga through the Agama lineage, or connect to my Celtic cultural roots, or Iberian generic roots, or a more Neo-Tantra / Neo-Celtic approach, what they offer, for me, are four key common factors.

1.     Our non-dual nature. This concurs with most thinking on ancient and indigenous spiritual traditions, Trika Tantra, neo-traditions and practices, and Deleuze and Guattari’s take on Queer Theory; oneness with all; connecting and offering devotion to the divine within (Ichha and Bakti)).

2.     The place of direct experience in Tantra and Neo-tantra, where oneness is to be experienced rather than intellectually known (Gana/Jnana). This is reflected in most ancient, indigenous, and contemporary practices of altered states of consciousness where we come to listen to our own inner truth.

3.     The place of the body, and how this relates to embodied practices as a form of spiritual practice of losing the ego, going beyond the mind (Kriya). There are strong connections here to ancient sexual practices that revelled in the natural beauty of orgies as a conduit for expanding our life energy, connecting as it does to the Wisdom Goddesses (Divine Consciousness) and our feminine energy.

4.     The place of transgression. This can certainly be seen in the left-handed stream of Tantra, and in Queer Theory, and through non-mainstream readings of ancient and indigenous practices, such as homoerotic elements. For me this would allow us to shift from the individual body to the social body (which again resonates more with ancient and indigenous cultural practices).

Tools and Techniques

For me then, spiritual practices work through three aspects;

(1) Kriya, which is the potency of action, technologies and practices that are prescriptions for action. This is very much in line with the thinking behind Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and is important for people like me who spend so much time in their heads. You DO tantra. It evokes psychosomatic forces (interactions between the mind and the body) through the doing of things like breathwork, mudras, meditation, visualisations and sexual interactions.

(2) Right action (Kriya) fuels our knowing (Gana), supported through the utilisation of rituals and devotion, incorporating things like mantras and sound, and movement and dance, to encourage patters of vibration, and yantras to enhance our visualisation that can help produce ‘fields of energy’ and enhance physical sensations.

(3) This, in turn, strengthens our will (Iccha). Iccha is transcendental will, without which there could be no spiritual practice. We do this through tapping into our life force (sexual energy) as ‘spiritual rocket-fuel’ of the desire for devotion (Bhakti) and spiritual growth, the power to sustain our bhakti practice, and to transform worldly desires into the greater desire for union with the divine (the true self).

From a tantric perspective, if we tie our powerful sensations and emotions (energy in motion) to our sexual / life energy we can start to bring wholeness (healing). This aligns to an embodied trauma informed approach. Pleasure is the raw material for our transformation; the steppingstones on the journey towards awakening; ultimately shifting from pleasure to joy (Ananda).

Pink, then, for me, is celebratory and fun, a spiritual and authentic place for where and who I am. Not only this but it chimes with the association Pink has with gayness or men-who-love-men-ness; same-sex attraction, same-sex love, and same-sex soul to spirit. It is fully centred in the heart. In our pinkness we can aim for something better. We can take steps towards awakening.

This is a place I can imagine bringing ‘That to This’.

Bio and CV

Pink Tantra is a multi-disciplinary practitioner bringing together over 20 years’ experience in leadership and personal development with coaching, psychometrics, mindfulness, stress management, creativity, Reiki, tantra and kundalini yoga. Pink is passionate about bringing healing and awakening to our men-who-love-men tantra communities. To this end Pink founded Pink Tantra Towards Awakening where the vision is to be the go-to community for men-who-love-men in Scotland seeking awakening, supporting all men-who-love-men to integrate their mind-body-spirit to live a meaningful life.

Tantra Retreats and Workshops since 2020

2020 - 24         Facilitated various online workshops, including creative writing, naked discussion group, tantra practices and meditations, through T4GM Love Academy

2022                Assisted on the T4GM Coaching Diploma (August) in San Deigo, USA.

2022 – 24        Facilitated various online workshops, including tantra practices and meditations, kundalini tantra yoga, naked and erotic practices, through Discord Group, Pink Tantra Towards Awakening. Contact me to request registration access.

2022 – 2024    Facilitated in-person monthly tantra and intimacy workshops in Kilsyth, UK, through Tantra for Men-Who-Love-Men in Scotland

2023                Co-Facilitated Healing and Connection Retreat (June) with Arnie Katz in Cortona, Italy.

2024                Developed and facilitated Kundalini Tantra Yoga 7-week programme, Drop-In Sessions, and new 1-week programme Working The Chakras.

2024                Facilitated ‘Becoming Multi-orgasmic’ workshops online through T4GM Ashram.

2024                Assisted on the ‘Practice and Experimentation’ Retreat in Deal, UK (September) with James Hodgson, based on Himalayan Tantra.

Upcoming collaborations and events include, assisting on the Healing and Surrender Diploma through T4GM in November/December 2024 in Glastonbury, UK and working in collaboration with Wellergise running Kundalini Tantra Yoga workshop in India in January 2025 (through SGT University, International Relations).

Qualifications, Publications and Exhibitions

Healing and Spiritual Growth

·       Intensive 9 day Kundalini Programme through Shiva Shakti Vigyan & Shaktipat Acharya (based on an unbroken lineage of masters of Trika Tantra / Kashmiri Shaivism as transmitted by Gurutva Amitabh Saraha), August 2024.

·       21 day Kundalini Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Programme (200 hrs) through the Mukta Kundalini Tantra School in India, as transmitted by Jivan Mukta (registered with The Yoga Alliance) April 2024.

·       Diploma in Kundalini Yoga, Centre for Excellence, 2024.

·       Tantra Diplomas and Tantra Teacher Training Programmes, Tantra 4 Gay Men, 2019-2022.

·       Trauma Informed Certificate for Coaches, The Centre for Healing, 2022.

·       Reiki Master (L1, 2 and 3), The Infinite Healer, 2022.

·       Somatic Therapy Masterclass, Centre for Healing, 2022.

·       Hakomi Intensive Workshop (Presence), Hakomi Lancaster, 2022.

·       Certificate in (Classical) Tantra, 2022.

·       Spirituality Coaching Diploma, The KEW TRAINING ACADEMY; Accredited by CTAA  (Complementary Therapists Accreditation Association), 2019.

·       Certificate in Stress Management Training, The Stress Consultancy, 1999.

·       RSA Certificate in Counselling in the Development of Learning, RSA, 1998.

Upcoming training includes 31 day Yoga Teacher Training Programme (300 hrs) booked through the Sanskar YogaShala, Rishikesh, India (registered through The Yoga Alliance) for Feb/March 2025.

Change and Personal Development

·       Crucial Conversations Delivery Award, Vital Smarts, 2021.

·       Online Action Learning Facilitation, 2021.

·       Change Management Practitioner Award, APMG, 2019.

·       People Personal Assessment (PPA) Award, Thomas International, 2019.

·       Master Mindfulness Practitioner, The Academy of Applied Psychology, 2019.

·       Coaching Diploma, The Academy of Applied Psychology, 2018.

·       DISCover the Power of You: How to Cultivate Change for Positive and Productive Cultures,  my organisational / personal development book, published in 2017 through John Hunt Publishing Ltd, ISBN: 978-1-78535-591-2.

·       Licenced DISC Trainer, The Coaching Academy, 2015.

·       Prince2 Registered Practitioner, Axelos, 2014.

·       Including a range of non-accredited in-house training, such as the LSDA coaching programme, during the 1990s and 2000s.


·       MA in Diversity, Culture and Identity, specialising in Queer Theory, University of Hull, 2010.

·       MA in Education, specialising in Leadership and Management, University of Brighton, 2005.

·       Post-Graduate Certificate of Education in Further Education, specialising in Creative Arts, with supplementary in Creative Writing, University of Greenwich, 1998.

·       Master of Fine Art, specialising in Painting, Edinburgh College of Art, 1993.

·       B.A. (Hons) Degree in Drawing and Painting, 1st Class, Edinburgh Collage of Art, 1991.

Creative (Visual and Written)

·       Fermented Spirits, historical fictional novel was published in April 2022 through Austin MacAulay Publishers Ltd. ISBN-13: 978-1398437159.

·       The Bench, and Myths and Moral Action - Virtual show in 2020.

·       Winner of the Stanley Wilson Monologue Competition for ‘Gavin’s Revenge’ through the Scarborough Writers Circle in September 2018, subsequently published through The Selkie in December 2019,

·       Published short story ‘The witches of the wood’ in an anthology ‘Terror Tales for a Winters Eve’ through Phantasm Press, December 2018.

·       Published flash fiction ‘Time to think’ in Reflections magazine, Autumn/Winter 2018 Edition.

·       Drawings and Paintings. Westgate, Brighton and Hove, 2006.

·       Drawings and Paintings. The Studios, Bristol, 2001.

·       Published short stories prior to 2000, in Queer Words (quarterly paperback of new lesbian and gay writing);

o   ‘The Protégé’, ISBN 1900950022,

o   ‘Client/Transcript’, ISBN 1900950057,

o   ‘The Wait’, winner of the GlaxoWellcome Write for Life competition, displayed on London Underground,

·       See Here for my short stories.

·       Exhibited extensively prior to 2000 in Edinburgh, London, America and Italy.


Pink Tantra Towards Awakening: July 2020 - Present

·        The focus has been working with individual clients on trauma release coaching and tantra related coaching (incorporating massage, Reiki and other body based practices), and working with groups both online and in-person on tantra and healing workshops and retreats to support healing, spiritual growth and awakening.

Organisational Learning Partner - University of Leeds: Feb 2018 – July 2022

·        Developed, implemented, commissioned and evaluated the university-wide Learning and Development Policy, including leadership development and cultural change programmes, E&I Frameworks and projects, developed and implemented the Coaching and Mentoring Strategy , and the development of Wellbeing and Resilience suite of programmes, resulting in significantly increased participation and satisfaction rates over the three years.

Consultant and Trainer – Creative Coaching Creative Cultures: Dec 2015 – Feb 2018

·        Working with large and small organisations across the public, private and 3rd sector, including the aligning the 21st Century Public Servant framework and North East Lincolnshire Council’s competency framework, improving success rates to above the national average. Embedded and blended practices to transform delivery to a number of Apprenticeship delivery clients. And the design and delivery of a range of educational workshops, including Education and Training Foundation, DISC psychometrics for team development, coaching for improvement.

Quality Improvement Manager – East Riding of Yorkshire Council:May 2009 – Dec 2015

·        Development and implementation of workforce, learning and development strategies at all levels in the service, including design and delivery of leadership and management, resulting in the service shifting from satisfactory to 'good to outstanding' overall as judged by Ofsted, securing ‘outstanding’ for EDI, while at the same time gaining excellent comments around leadership interventions.

Director Business Development – Yorkshire Coast College: May 2007 – May 2008

·        Took the college out of Notice to Improve through successful people development / capacity building and quality improvement interventions; was personally commended by Oftsed Inspectors for ‘green shoots’ in Apprenticeships, seeing significantly increased in-year timely success rates by 30%. As well as initiated and project managed successful £300K ESF project ‘Community Challenge’, subsequently seen by the LSC as blue-print for partnership working in the region, achieving all 11 ESF targets and over-achieving on 7 of them.

Director Skills and Standards – City College Brighton and Hove: July 2003 – May 2007

·        Drove culture change that took directorate from 'inadequate' to one of the college's 'key strengths' as identified by Ofsted, including the development and implementation of the learning and development strategy and coaching pool from scratch. Achieved Action for Business College Accreditation for the College, only the 6th college to achieve the award; resulting in enhancing CCBH reputation nationally through undertaking consultation, national conferencing and support work for other Colleges seeking accreditation.

Prior to 2003 I was in various leadership, management, teaching and research positions.

Connect on Twitter / Facebook / Instagram

Email me direct if you are interested in mindful, trauma-informed, intimacy or spiritual coaching

See my personal development / personality profiling book DISCover the Power of You published through John Hunt Publishing Ltd, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78535-591-2

And for a bit of light reading, see my first historical fictional novel Fermented Spirits published through Austin Macauley Publishers, 2022. ISBN-13: ‎978-1398437159