What is spiritual life-coaching?

Often people come to spiritual or transpersonal life-coaching looking for inner peace. An elusive quality. But through spiritual or transpersonal life-coaching you can learn to unblock your life energy, explore who you really are, and find a healthy tension through discovering your Self.

“Spiritual growth is about challenging all that you are and all that you want to be.” K. E. Wells, Professional Spirituality Coach Diploma.

This is a big ask!

Especially so for us in the Western world, where we shy away from discussing spiritual beliefs. Particularly for those of us who want to know more about our own spiritual being but do not feel we ‘fit’ with traditional religions. And even more so for those of us who identify as men who love men and have experienced homo-aversive and homo-hating attitudes from religious peoples and religious institutions.

Why then would we want to be spiritual? How can we explain this?

Spiritual life-coaches can help you answer these and many other questions.

But let’s take a step back first. What is this thing, spirituality?

Spirituality can be seen as a rather nebulous, abstract concept. For some it is connecting to the true source of inspiration; the divine. For others it is about reaching a state of transcendence. While others would define it as a belief system, or a moral system. For some it’s a way of dealing with or relating to immaterial reality. It is something bigger and beyond oneself.

For many the term ‘spiritual’ is off putting in itself. We might be better off thinking of the transpersonal; beyond oneself. There are certainly less social repressive connotations attached to the transpersonal.

Whatever stance you take on spirituality or the transpersonal, for me, it must become a part of your everyday life for it to have any meaningful purpose. There is a strong need then for spirituality to be grounded in the here and now.

Embedding the spiritual or transpersonal into our daily practices is really quite easy. It is about being kind to ourselves and to others. It is about being caring. It is about showing gratitude. It is about having an attitude of acceptance, and about being non-judgemental in our conscious actions.

Above all it is about staying open and curious on our journey towards a state of spiritual awakening - where we can then find inner harmony. This is the hard bit.

Please note - I do not say inner balance. Balance is static and will over time become stagnant (although it is a favoured word in the life-coaching field). Harmony on the other hand is dynamic and necessitates living in the flow of the here and now, which is more aligned, I feel, to a tantric and mindful approach. This is sometimes I prefer to referred to as healthy tension.

Most of our life is spent in automatic pilot; a state of routine unconsciousness, akin to sleep walking. Taking the journey to spiritual awakening seems to stand at odds with our cultural norms. There will be great resistance; internally (from our thoughts and inner voices) and externally (from our friends and family, especially if there is any religious baggage).

Internally we may have many unresolved issues. Through spiritual life-coaching we can work through these. But spiritual progress is what matters; the journey, not the end. There is no competition on how long our journey should take, or how reclusive we must become to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

This is nonsense!

The starting point is to change your lived life, your perceptions, thoughts, behaviours. It is important this is done in a manner that suits your current needs in the here and now. For these changes to take root it is often better to take a slow and steady journey. We must learn to go with the flow, often experiencing fluctuating emotions along the way.

This is good. This is how we learn to understand ourselves better.

Understanding our self and our world from a spiritual perspective is what we are aiming at, in order to lead more meaningful lives. For the real goal in spiritual life-coaching (if goal is an appropriate word here?) is changing at a deeper level, through examining our surface beliefs and our root beliefs, by connecting with the divine (in whatever way you define this), and so connecting with an awakened (conscious) you once more. Changing into who we truly already are.

Bringing it all together

Often people come to spiritual or transpersonal life-coaching looking for inner peace. An elusive quality. But through spiritual or transpersonal life-coaching you can learn to unblock your life energy, explore who you really are, and find a healthy tension through discovering your Self.

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Email me direct if you are interested in mindful, trauma-informed, intimacy or spiritual coaching, or if you would like to join my new Pink Tantra Towards Awakening group for chat rooms, video channels and in-person workshops around tantra and intimacy practices robert.pinktantra@gmail.com

See my personal development / personality profiling book DISCover the Power of You published through John Hunt Publishing Ltd, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78535-591-2

And for a bit of light reading, see my first historical fictional novel Fermented Spirits published through Austin Macauley Publishers, 2022. ISBN-13: ‎978-1398437159