What is kundalini awakening?

Kundalini awakening has been called an expansion and contraction process. It is a coming together of these two aspects through a purification process, so we can come closer to the truth of who we are and overcome duality.

In my last post I tried clarifying what tantra practice means to me, as a consequence the issue of energy and kundalini in particular came to the fore.


There is a real romanticised idea surrounding kundalini awakening, shifting through ecstasy and bliss, eternal alignment and oneness. What’s not to like! However, the work around kundalini awakening, or simply raising kundalini energy, is not an easy thing to do. Indeed, it can be downright difficult and very challenging. But if we take it seriously and persevere it is a good vehicle for the release of past trauma and so a great form of healing. It can be seen then as a purifying process. But let’s not be under any illusion, purification necessitates looking at the shit, at the dark bits of us we might rather not see, at the pain and what is simply not working for us. This is why we do Spiritual Enquiry, where we seek out the truth of who we are.


This is not a quick solution. And that can be disappointing for some who expect quick results. I remember when I started out on this journey thinking I had a goal of 6 months or so to be enlightened. After all, tantra is known as the fast route to spiritual awakening.


But there is a gulf between a peak experience, an awakening moment, and a permanent state of enlightenment. Is it any wonder Mary Mueller Shutan in her book Working with Kundalini says “I welcome you to a path of immense healing, wholeness, bliss, difficulty, pain and wonder.”


Kundalini awakening has been called an expansion and contraction process. Expanding beyond self-interest to greater perspectives and to cosmic consciousness. While contracting our individual potential realisation, our individual consciousness. Indeed, it is a coming together of these two aspects so we can overcome duality. Expansion and contraction are often likened to the generation-destruction cycle, or the outwards-inwards flow, and the re-individuation process. Ascending and transcending, then descending and grounding back into everyday life.


Our spiritual journey then is not about leaving behind everyday life for flights of fancy, but about bringing our heightened awareness, consciousness, to bear on how we live and interact with others in the here and now. This relates back to my point in my last post, that we DO tantra. You can read about it, or think about it, but as I’ve had to learn, it is only tantra if you DO it.


And what better way to do tantra, aligning it to the process of kundalini, than connecting to our sexual practices, where our self-pleasure and shared pleasure becomes the very vehicle for healing. Here we can connect body work, breath, movement, sound and spiritual/self-enquiry to work through our self-obsession to a more nuanced understanding of our emotions and sensations. This is the driver for my personal practice and the Naked Practice sessions I will be facilitating once more on the TLA App from October 2022.


So, let’s face the challenges, persevere, and do.

Love to you all, Pink

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Email me direct if you are interested in mindful, trauma-informed, intimacy or spiritual coaching, or if you would like to join my new Pink Tantra Towards Awakening group for chat rooms, video channels and in-person workshops around tantra and intimacy practices robert.pinktantra@gmail.com

See my personal development / personality profiling book DISCover the Power of You published through John Hunt Publishing Ltd, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78535-591-2

And for a bit of light reading, see my first historical fictional novel Fermented Spirits published through Austin Macauley Publishers, 2022. ISBN-13: ‎978-1398437159