Tantra Yoga (and the three bodies)

Tantra has been defined as the energetic approach to the spiritual path. Yoga, in it’s truest sense, is the science of meditation. Tantra Yoga then is the practice around our internal energies to bring about liberation.

The practice of Tantra Yoga works through our three bodies. What is called our Gross or physical body of the senses. Our subtle or energetic body, where the chakra energy centres reside for awakening kundalini. And the Causal body, called our Karmic Sheath, which is our higher mind or consciousness.

Beyond the Causal body are two factors (1) our Primal Nature (Prakriti) which is composed of the three gunas; Tamas, Rajas and Sattva, and (2) the Self (Atman or Purusha) where the Self is pure consciousness.

The role of Tantra Yoga is to return us to that Self (from Prakriti back to Purusha). Prakriti is our lived experience, which is called Maya (an illusion). This is not an illusion in the sense that it doesn’t exist, but rather that it is not what we think it to be. Shakti, which is the power of consciousness, removes this illusion and reveals the true Self. Shakti therefore, is our spiritual evolution through the practice of Tantra Yoga.

So what does that mean, practically?

Practically, we work through various techniques, particularly related to the chakra system, to awaken the energy of kundalini, which resides in the subtle body. This allows us to separate from the Gross/physical body, which in turn unfolds the power of the subtle and causal bodies, connecting us to our True Nature.

There are many different chakra systems, the most commonly known in the West are the seven chakras running up the central channel (Sushumna), aligned with the spine. That is, from the Root chakra (Muladhara), to the Sacral (Svaddhisthana), the Solar or Navel (Manipura), The Heart (Anahata), the Throat (Vishudda), the 3rd Eye (Ajna) and the Crown (Sahasra).

Some would dispute this and say the Crown is not in the body and is not a chakra. Others, such as the Heartfulness system have sixteen chakras, where the Heart Region incorporates four aspects of the heart as well as the Throat chakra, and the Mind Region which incorporates the 3rd Eye, Crown and six other chakras.

But whichever system we use, the point is to open the chakras so the awakened kundalini can ascend unimpeded. As our journey progresses we gain understanding and altered or expanded states of consciousness, which, it is said, give us various powers. However, these powers are not the destination and we are warned often in ancient texts of the dangers of getting stuck (attached) to these altered states and powers, rather than progressing to the true goal; that of liberation.

Bringing it all together

Tantra is not just sex, and yoga is not just some postures. Likewise the chakras are not physical. These all point to a material and (Gross) body orientated approach that misses their truly spiritual aspect. As Ganapati Muni says (quoted in Dr David Frawley’s Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses) “Thus turning from the body into the most inward state, or into the root center and abode of kundalini, those of steady wisdom gain the eternal adherence in their own nature,”

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Message me direct if you are interested in mindful, embodied, trauma-informed, or spiritually-informed 1-1 coaching robert.pinktantra@gmail.com

Contact me to join my Pink Tantra Towards Awakening groups for online and in-person workshops around tantra and kundalini yoga practices robert.pinktantra@gmail.com

See my personal development / personality profiling book DISCover the Power of You published through John Hunt Publishing Ltd, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78535-591-2

And for those who enjoy historical fiction, stories of underrepresented life’s, see my first novel Fermented Spirits published through Austin Macauley Publishers, 2022. ISBN-13: ‎978-1398437159