Meeting Sensation

Meeting sensation is an essential aspect of the tantric spiritual journey. This aligns to the Yoga Sutra limbs of asana (posture), pranayama (breathwork), as well as mantras (sound), movement and meditation (the act of concentrating (dharana, effortfully and dhyana, effortlessly), becoming a wholistic practice of sense withdrawal and absorption in the Now.


Breathwork is the corner stone of all mindful embodied practices. It connects us to our prana, our life-energy, and is often referred to as pranayama. I run individual coaching sessions and group facilitated sessions to support conscious breathing for awareness raising, mindful embodiment, building and holding and amplifying sexual energy, for balance and healing, for joy and heightened experiences.


Sound is often expressed through the use of mantras. Sound helps us connect to the vibrations in our bodies and so helps us experience embodied sensations. Sound also helps us alleviate our inhibitions and enhances our self-expression. I run individual coaching sessions and group facilitated sessions to support conscious sound, without which we are unable to reach heightened levels of joy, bliss, and ecstasy.


When we speak of movement people often think we are talking about ecstatic dance and whirling dervishers, which are amazing, but can at times be off-putting for those starting out. For me, when I run individual coaching sessions and group facilitated sessions, the focus is on slowing our movement. Becoming more conscious in our movement through slow touch to truly appreciate the sensations. Movement also includes the Bandha practices (there are lots of these, one of the most common being mula-bandha, clenching the Root chakra or the perineum), and allowing our bodies to connect with the flow. And, of course, connecting energetically to spanda/vibration.


Many people assume meditation to be sitting still and in excruciating pain. But meditation can be active or still, and extremely enjoyable. OSHO famously developed a number of dynamic meditations that are more suitable to the active Western mind as a steppingstone before the stillness. I run individual coaching sessions and group facilitated sessions incorporating both active and still meditations, which often also include visualisation elements (often called guided imagery) to support the cultivation of psychological qualities such as compassion, gratitude, love and joy.

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Email me direct if you are interested in mindful, trauma-informed, intimacy or spiritual coaching, or if you would like to join my new Pink Tantra Towards Awakening group for chat rooms, video channels and in-person workshops around tantra and intimacy practices

See my personal development / personality profiling book DISCover the Power of You published through John Hunt Publishing Ltd, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78535-591-2

And for a bit of light reading, see my first historical fictional novel Fermented Spirits published through Austin Macauley Publishers, 2022. ISBN-13: ‎978-1398437159