Kaula Path and becoming Multi-Orgasmic

Being multi-orgasmic should be our natural state, but we have suppressed much of our creative self-expression due to societal pressures. It was the Kularnava Tantra (circa 1000 CE) that explicitly did away with the idea of renunciation, and extolled enjoyment in life, stating, “The yogi should play like a child; he has no image to defend, nothing to justify. He is free of the judgements of others.”

Through the Kaula tradition, originally from Assam in northern India, which migrated to Kashmir in northwest sometime in the 4th century, the body took center stage. The body became the very temple of devotion, our connection to the divine. This connection was brought about through vibration (spanda). When we talk of multi-orgasmic we are talking about connecting through our body to energy, specifically our sexual energy, and even more specifically to reading and managing our vibrational and arousal levels.

From a tantric perspective there is a clear linkage from one to the other. Both are transgressive. The Kaula Path through it’s inclusion of the 5 M’s (forbidden in traditional Indian society – wine, meat, fish, grains and sexual union with someone other than your spouse) and it’s key principles of freedom from roles and rituals, and that women should be worshipped as Goddess incarnations (especially Kali as the Cosmic Mother, Great Mother, feminine power). Kali being the darker aspect of human nature. The aspect the Goddess Durga brought forth to help defeat her demons.

Kali is creation and destruction, the incarnation of absolute violence and absolute love. Kali is Shakti, who subdues and enlivens Shiva. Without Shakti, Shiva would be inert. Through their union, their vibration, they manifest all that there is. This is the heart of Kaula, the Shakti/Shiva union, revealing spanda, our creative self-expression through raising our vibrational levels.

Matsyendranath is attributed to have truly birthed the Kaula Path, voyaging as he did to Kashmir (although some say it was Vashistha who received the Kaula teachings from Vishnu). Either way, as Daniel Odier in his book Tantric Kali: Secret Practices and Rituals shows, it was the great Abhinavagupta who gave us the first clear expression of the Kaula Path. And off course Christopher Wallis in his works Tantra Illuminated and The Recognition Sutras gives special mention to Abhinavagupta.

The Kaula Upanishad, a short version of the Kaula view, really emphasises its transgressive nature in the lines “In your behaviour do the opposite to what the norms dictate but remain in consciousness.” (Orier, pg 22)

In our society today it is decidedly against the norms to engage in group edging, a great practice towards becoming multi-orgasmic. Yet this is where we can truly work with the body, to awaken it, to understand and manage our arousal levels, to bring vibration (spanda) to it. The trick is to do this as a tantric practice where we are “pure of heart, supremely joyous” (Odier, pg 23) and not loosing ourselves in the distraction of transient sensation (ie, indulgence).

Bringing it all together

Being multi-orgasmic should be our natural state, but we have suppressed much of our creative self-expression due to societal pressures. It was the Kularnava Tantra (circa 1000 CE) that’s explicitly did away with the idea of renunciation, and extolled enjoyment in life, stating, “The yogi should play like a child; he has no image to defend, nothing to justify. He is free of the judgements of others.” (Odier, pg 23)


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See my personal development / personality profiling book DISCover the Power of You published through John Hunt Publishing Ltd, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78535-591-2

And for a bit of light reading, see my first historical fictional novel Fermented Spirits published through Austin Macauley Publishers, 2022. ISBN-13: ‎978-1398437159