How to choose your pet

Research shows us that kissing our dogs increases the bonding hormone oxytocin and lowers cortisol, resulting in a reduction in stress levels.

With the recent loss of Mona, my beautiful dog, it seems appropriate writing a blog around how best to choose your pet.

Research shows us that kissing our dogs increases the bonding hormone oxytocin and lowers cortisol, resulting in a reduction in stress levels. This is great news for all us dog lovers in the world as it matches to the findings in neuroscience which shows us that high levels of cortisol are present when we display high levels of stress, and high levels of oxytocin are present when we engage in collaborative and trust building behaviours.

It really surprises me therefore that in our high-stress inducing world dog ownership is in decline (indeed not just dogs but all domesticated animals). And this is even more surprising when you consider that statistically dog owners are more likely to work in some of the professions where stress has been shown to be highest; nursing, education, IT and interestingly the military.

But how should we decide which pet would suit us best, especially if we are also drawn to tantra?

Well, consider…

Those folk who describe themselves as ‘goal’ orientated. In terms of DISC personality profiling these types could be our D’s.  

‘D’ types are Dominant. They can be outgoing, and task orientated. They tend to be direct, like a challenge, seek change, and are very bottom-line orientated. They can at times be seen as less agreeable and can be highly demanding. If these types were to have a dog, they are likely to go for a Doberman, whose bark is nearly as bad as its bite. For high D’s just think Vince Lombardi’s saying, ‘winning isn’t everything…it’s the only thing!’ It is not surprising then that these types have self-reported as being more inclined towards cold-blooded exotic pets rather than your run of the mill dog.

For these types a pet, paradoxically, can add the softener required to bring a human element. Getting out and about, especially if they go for a dog, can help them connect to nature, and thereby becoming closer to alignment with the universe.

But what about those folks who describe themselves as ‘fun loving’.

Could this be your ‘I’ type in term of DISC personality traits? ‘I’ is your Influencer. Influencers are outgoing and people orientated. It is interesting therefore that dog owners have been shown to be more extroverted and agreeable. They are open, have good social skills and like to create personal connections. I’s are likely to have playful dogs so they can indulge in lots of spontaneous fun. These types will definitely kiss and stroke their dogs’ lots. Not to mention chat away to them incessantly. I can certainly attest to this, while Mona would just sit there, roll her eyes, and deign to be stroked and listen. As Robert Rohm noted ‘the reason dogs have so many friends is because they wag their tails and not their tongues’.

For these types their pet can act as the embodiment of their deity, bringing together the tantra belief in pleasure, aligned to devotion and submission, the very essence of spirituality.

Okay, but what about those people who would consider themselves to be a bit more reserved?

These could be our ‘S’ types. ‘S’ is for Steadiness. Steadiness people are more considered but still very people orientated, although less socially dominant and can at times appear over-sensitive. They are great supporters, who seek harmony and acceptance. They like things to be leisurely paced and comfortable. They like their own territory and dislike surprises. These types have self-reported as being more inclined towards having either a bird or a cat as a pet.

Irrespective of which type of pet, this aligns well with tantra’s teachings in striving for comfort. Comfort in our own bodies and being if we can break through our fears and the constraints of society.

And what about those folks who can be introspective and appear a bit more analytical?

These could be our ‘C’ personality types. ‘C’ is for Conscientious. Conscientious people are more reserved, and task orientated. They are into accuracy, logic, and a systematic approach. They tend not to like displays of emotions and can come across to others as cold at times. C’s have self-reported as being more inclined towards having a big horse or little tropical fish. This fits well as circuit training and aquarium scouting, both of which require environments that can be maintained as a constant state.

For those with a more analytical streak seeing tantra as an ancient science of various practices allows for an equivalent systematic approach to tending your horse or fish, that slowly expands mindfulness and an alignment with your creative energies.

Bringing it all together

Whether it is a cold-blooded exotic pet or a Doberman, a playful and fun-loving dog, a cat or a bird, a horse, or tropical fish it is official, pets are good for you. Pets are part of our family and need looking after for life. And offering unconditional love, or devotion, or surrender, or pleasure, brings a natural alignment to pet care and tantra.


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Email me direct if you are interested in mindful, trauma-informed, intimacy or spiritual coaching, or if you would like to join my new Pink Tantra Towards Awakening group for chat rooms, video channels and in-person workshops around tantra and intimacy practices

See my personal development / personality profiling book DISCover the Power of You published through John Hunt Publishing Ltd, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-78535-591-2

And for a bit of light reading, see my first historical fictional novel Fermented Spirits published through Austin Macauley Publishers, 2022. ISBN-13: ‎978-1398437159